Data protection policy


This website is owned by CASHMERE RENTING LUXURY DECORATION, S.L., with NIF B88014196 and registered office at Alfareros, 21, 28680 - San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Madrid.

The client placing the order declares that he/she knows and accepts the general rental conditions.

Our prices are understood to be without taxes and for the period of use provided for in the budget, according to our current rates.
Any use exceeding this period will be subject to special agreements and additional billing. The date and time of return of the material are required and any delay will be billed according to the current rate.

All orders must include the budget accepted by the client and accompanied by a 50% down payment, and orders that do not meet
these two requirements will not be accepted.
Once the order is accepted, the reservation will be effective, subject to availability of the requested material.

The cancellation of an order will be billed for at least half of the total order, but never less than the costs incurred up to the time of cancellation, or the entire amount if it is made less than 48 hours before delivery of the materials.

The costs of delivery and collection will be billed according to our current rate.
Any additional cost, not foreseen in the initial budget and the waiting time will be subject to additional billing.

Fifth.-Disposal and return of rented materials.
The client acknowledges having received the materials in good condition, suitable for use and in proper cleaning conditions.
The delivery and collection of the material will be carried out with an inventory, with the assistance of the client or his representative. If the client does not attend the
making of the inventory, no claim will be accepted from the client regarding the quantity or condition of the material.
BUDI MUSIC, S.L. will not consider the material received until after having received the inventory.

Sixth.- Use - Repair - Not returned
The client agrees to use the rented material appropriately, preventing any act or situation that could damage it.
The client or, where appropriate, the professionals hired by him, must be duly qualified for the use of rented material. The rented materials may not be manipulated, modified or, where appropriate, altered. The client is not entitled to any compensation in the event of interruption of operation of the rented materials.
During the rental period, the client is obliged to care for and preserve the material, protecting it from any situation that could damage it, such as rain, snow, wind, theft, damage, etc.
Damaged or unreturned material will be invoiced to the client for its new purchase value, increased where appropriate by compensation to cover the unavailability of the material.

Seventh.- Billing
Invoicing will be carried out based on the length of the rental, once the return of the material has been verified through the corresponding inventory.

Payment must be made before the event

Ninth.-Reservation of ownership.
The rented material is the property of the lessor and the lessee may not sublease it or transfer it for any reason.

Tenth -Force Majeure
CASHMERE RENTING LUXURY DECORATION, S.L. shall not be liable in the event of delay or non-delivery due to force majeure or causes beyond its control, such as, but not limited to, strikes, accidents, official prohibition, etc.

Eleventh -Responsibility and insurance.
The client receives the rented material as a deposit, being responsible from its receipt, for its proper conservation and storage, as well as for any damages that, for whatever reason, may arise to the rented material during the period in its possession.
No claim from the client will be accepted after 24 hours of the installation of the rented material, or where appropriate, of its availability.

Twelfth - Jurisdiction
For any doubt, question or divergence that may arise in relation to the interpretation or fulfillment of this contract, the parties, waiving their jurisdiction, agree to submit them to institutional arbitration in Madrid.